Saturday, 17 December 2011

Blog Tour Day Three - and three fabulous blogs!

It’s Day Three of the Reaching for the Stars blog tour and today I’m going to be in three exciting places all at once. Please join me at these fabulous blogs!

At Jera’s Jamboree Book Blog I’m talking to Sharon Goodwin about the extensive culinary research I did for Reaching for the Stars - we are taking about hot chefs and steamy kitchens here - as eating out in a nice restaurant now and again doesn’t really count!

In Debs Carr’s plotting shed I’m talking about my life as a writer living in rural Scotland and showing you my favourite places to write.

And on High Heels & Book Deals Blog - I’m showing off my very favourite shoes!

So, perhaps while you are having a wee nibble of a mince pie and a swig of pre-festive egg-nog today, you might consider joining me at these fabulous blogs?

And do please pop back on Sunday to see where I am next!

Love, Janice xx