Gilli has been previously traditionally published but now self publishes in ebook format which, she says, has
given her the freedom not to follow any kind of formula in her writing. “Love
may still be the engine of the plot, not that my characters are necessarily
aware of this, but I try to write honestly, refusing to romanticise the
downsides and the pitfalls in modern relationships”. Gilli’s new
book ‘Life Class’ is out on Kindle on the 1st May. For the next two weeks,
she is running a special price offer on her current book ‘Torn’ for those of
you who might not have yet discovered this talented author.
Take it away Gilli..!
I woke this morning, my mind still pleasurably caught up in the dream I’d been having. When I’d properly come to, the dream lingered. I was prompted to think about the iconic opening line of Daphne du Maurier’s ‘Rebecca’, which led me on to the not very startling conclusion that all writers (of fiction) need to be able to dream.
At this point I have to make it clear that, despite the originating thought, I am no longer talking about that thing we do when we’re asleep, although for some, I understand, their night-time adventures can be quite an important wellspring of their waking creativity. I am talking about switching off from the prosaic world around you and allowing yourself to fantasise - to start playing the ‘what if...?’ game.
I am
convinced everyone possesses this potential. If you played make-believe as a
child, whether it was Cowboys and Indians, Princes and Princesses or Orcs and
Hobbits, you were tapping into that ‘let’s pretend’ part of your brain. I am
not saying that everyone has a good book in them, few do, but everyone has the
capacity to dream. No one would buy a
lottery ticket, bet on a horse or consider going in for X Factor, if they
didn’t. In many people, however, the child-like part of the brain that devises
a scenario, fills it with characters and weaves the ingredients into a story,
seems to wither as they grow older and real life takes over.
All fiction writers must hang on to this capacity, although their imaginative life varies wildly from one to another. Some stay in the world of pure fantasy, of fairies, knights and maidens, vampires, time-slip or space travel. Others create a world, which some might argue is still fantasy, by writing erotica or category romance peopled by beautiful ‘cinderellas’ and handsome billionaires. Others create a darker, gritty, uncomfortable world peopled with policemen, low-lifes and serial killers.
In many ways
I wish I could put a convenient label on my stories. They don’t fall within any easily pinned down
sub-genre like Chick-Lit or Rom Com. If anything, my own imaginative star leads
me to subvert the stereotypes of romantic fiction - to people the contemporary
world I’ve created with plausible characters, who aren’t drop dead gorgeous, or
mega rich, or film star handsome. I give them the regrets and ambitions any of
us might have, the strengths, flaws and weaknesses that make them human and
believable. And then I throw in obstacles to trip them up and divert them from
achieving their goals. The path to happiness, whatever that means for the
individual concerned, may not be smooth, it may lead in unexpected directions,
but in the end.... Well, you’ll have to
read one of my books to find out.
Oh yes... about that dream, the one that set me thinking... You may not believe me, but last night I dreamt I was having an affair with Johnny Depp!
Alongside the publication of ‘Life Class’, Gilli is running a special offer price cut - for the next two weeks - on her book ‘Torn’.
twitter: @gilliallan
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Do pop back next week - when I'll be discussing my favourite writerly topic - research!