Thursday, 31 October 2013

Happy Halloween FREE Book Offer!

Happy Halloween Everyone!


This time last year I was launching How Do You Voodoo? - the first book in my voodoo romance series of novellas – for which I had done some intense research in the spookiest graveyard in Scotland – the Necropolis or The City of the Dead – which features in a central scene. Would you like to spend Halloween in a dark and spooky place like this…?!


Glasgow central looks grey and spooky in October!


This Halloween is launch day for Voodoo Child - the third book in my series of voodoo romance novellas.
Again, it’s available exclusively from Amazon for Kindle.   


Story synopsis: In ‘Voodoo Child’, ex-celebrity UK fashion model Nola and her handsome Haitian husband Louis are expecting their first baby. But as one precious life begins another is about to end. Louis’s beloved old Uncle Sid is dying and has declared his last wish is to see Louis and Nola’s new baby baptised on St John’s Eve – the most important event in the voodoo calendar. The voodoo isn't over yet for Nola or for Louis!
Voodoo Child Amazon Links

Amazon UK and

Special Halloween Offer!
You can download the first humorous romance in this series absolutely FREE TODAY – 31st October!

FREE Amazon Links
Amazon UK and

Have a great Halloween everyone !

Janice xx

Sunday, 27 October 2013

How Do You Voodoo? - FREE 27th to 31st October!

The third book in my series of voodoo romance novellas
'Voodoo Child' is out this week!

It’s available exclusively from Amazon for Kindle
OUT NOW! $1.55 0r £0.99p
Story synopsis: In ‘Voodoo Child’, ex-celebrity UK fashion model Nola and her handsome Haitian husband Louis are expecting their first baby. But as one precious life begins another is about to end. Louis’s beloved old Uncle Sid is dying and has declared his last wish is to see Louis and Nola’s new baby baptised on St John’s Eve – the most important event in the voodoo calendar. The voodoo isn't over yet for Nola or for Louis!  

 But what if you haven't yet read the first novella
How Do You Voodoo?
Or second book in this series
Voodoo Wedding?

Well, from TODAY and for the next FIVE days
(27th – 31st October)
I’m offering the first book in this series absolutely FREE

27th - 31st October incl - FREE!
 These are the free download links:

Other Amazon sites worldwide are included
If you have this book already...?
Feel free to share, tweet, and tell all your friends!
Did you know that How Do You Voodoo? has 25 Amazon UK reviews with an average reader score of 4.6 stars and Love Reading Love Books said How Do You Voodoo? was ‘A Five Star Read’

Voodoo Wedding - Book Two - is also available from Amazon for Kindle alongside Voodoo Child at the fabulous price of just $1.52 or £0.99p so why not treat yourself to a little voodoo romance?
 Something old, something new, something borrowed.... something voodoo!
ONLY $1.55 0r £0.99p

Have a great Halloween everyone and don’t forget
that I love to chat and I'll be on Facebook and Twitter over the next few days promoting Voodoo Child. Please RT me!



Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Festival of Romance - and Loveahappyending Lifestyle!



LLm Editor in Chief, our own Linn B Halton has been shortlisted for the Innovation in Romantic Fiction (Author) award for evolving the author/reader initiative into an interactive lifestyle magazine.

Linn B Halton

And Carol Wright from Dizzy C's Little Book Blog, JB Johnston from Brook Cottage Books and Tanya Farrell from After the Final Chapters, all in the Loveahappyending Review Team have been nominated for Best Romance Blogger!

8th to 10th November in Bedford


The Festival of Romance celebrates romantic fiction in all its forms and gives readers a chance to meet favourite and new authors as well as taking part in lots of fun events and parties.

It is the UK's ONLY convention dedicated to romantic fiction.

You can book tickets online for all the Festival events.

Check out what's on and see which of your favourite authors are attending.

See you at the Festival of Romance!


Saturday, 19 October 2013

My Writing Workshop...

Arts and Crafts Weekend 19th and 20th October
There is an Arts and Crafts Fayre taking place this weekend -19th and 20th October - at Tynron Parish Hall (near Thornhill, Dumfries & Galloway).
Local crafts people will present their art and crafts and refreshments will be available. Proceeds to Tynron Parish Hall Funds.
Aspiring writers: I’m holding a writing workshop during this event on Sunday 20th October between 2pm-3pm. If you’d like to come along (and I'd love to see you there!) please check out the webpage and scroll down for contact details and more info.

Haste ye over to Tynron!


Sunday, 13 October 2013

Paperback Books and The Festival of Romance

This week, while my lovely editor is working away on Voodoo Child (planned launch date 31st October) I’ve been busy preparing and formatting the paperback editions of Bagpipes and Bullshot and Reaching for the Stars. This means I’ll have ‘real’ books to offer alongside my ebooks at last and I’ll be able to carry paperback copies with me when I do my personal author appearances.
Bagpipes and Bullshot and Reaching for the Stars will be available to order from Amazon sites very soon if you’ve been waiting to read my full length novels in paperback!
These are the paperback covers!
It’s only four weeks to the Festival of Romance in Bedford! (8th-10th November) I’m going to this event for the first time and I’m really looking forward to spending the whole weekend talking about books and celebrating romantic fiction.

There are some fabulous events planned – check out the website and grab your tickets now.

I’m really looking forward to meeting up with writer friends I already know really well, those I have been friends with online for ages but haven’t had the pleasure of meeting yet in person, and catching up with what’s going on in the romantic fiction industry - as there will be publishers and agents and editors to chat to about such matters.

I’m speaking at the Coffee and Cake morning on Saturday 9th November at The Lane, Bedford. I’m also looking forward to attending the Festival of Romance Ball on the Saturday night!

Are you going…?

Do let me know so we can say hello!

Friday, 4 October 2013

Romantic meetings and writerly events…

Happy Friday everyone – I’ve had a an even busier week than usual as I’ve been out and about on writerly business. On Monday I was invited to the famous and very romantic location of Gretna Green for a meeting.
It was wonderful to catch up with writers I already know well through the Writers Scotland Group, to be reintroduced to one or two I’d met before through the Romantic Novelist’s Association, and to meet some new lovely writer peeps. The meeting was interesting, involving romance writers, commercial enterprise, media and PR, but as it was a preliminary talk, I don’t think I’m at liberty to tell you exactly what it was all about just yet - so I’ll tell you more when I can!

After lunch and the meeting itself, a few of us had a tour of the famous blacksmith’s shop and the wedding room and had our photo taken in front of the wedding anvil!

In this photo: myself, Lynda Denton, Eileen Ramsay and her husband Ian,
Michelle Styles and Gwen Kirkwood

The Marriage Anvil at Gretna Green
On Tuesday, I was invited to speak about my writing and my life as a writer at the first meeting of the season for the Dumfries and Galloway Tangent Club in a private room at a restaurant in Thornhill. It was an honour to be asked to talk to these lovely ladies and I was right to suspect that when I got there, it being a local group of professional and business women, that I would already know many of them. We had a glass of wine, friendly conversation and lots of laughs, and we also had a lovely dinner. I felt my talk went well, as the atmosphere in the room was so relaxed and warm. I rounded off my talk with a short reading from ‘Reaching for the Stars’ and we had a quiz/competition - the winner being the first correct answer drawn by the restaurant owner!
On Wednesday, I was asked if I was interested in doing a talk and a writer’s workshop on the afternoon of Sunday 20th October at an Arts and Crafts Weekend being held at a local village Hall. I thought it sounded like another good opportunity to get out and about and to meet people interested in reading and books. So I accepted.
All of this is of course great practice for the Festival of Romance event in Bedford on the weekend of the 8th/9th & 10th of November, which I am attending as an author. I’m speaking at this event on the Saturday morning at the ‘Coffee and Cake’ event. Tickets are on sale now at the Festival website.
The rest of this week I’ve been writing and reading, attending online book launches, and following some exciting blogs. It’s a very busy and exciting time to be a writer!!

Haste ye back here next Friday!