Friday, 30 August 2013

#FF Friday - Festival and Fringe!

The amazing Edinburgh Royal Military Tattoo

Last weekend, my lovely friend Dina and I did what we have been talking about doing for years – we spent a long weekend in Edinburgh together doing The Festival, The Tattoo, and The Fringe. We had THE most amazing time. We did everything – including lunch at The Witchery, The Tattoo at the Castle, the ultimate Book-Fest (bumping into Neil Gaimen), Stand Up Comedy, Shows, chatting with Radio DJ Johnny Walker and pop diva Kiki Dee (who asked if I was from Liverpool – lol!) to finish off with a tour of Edinburgh’s old underground vaults with torture museum and spooky stuff all thrown in and then to clubbing at the famous Old Town Cowgate at Cabaret Voltaire. A weekend never to be forgotten!

Lunch at The Witchery by The Castle

Left: Neil Gaimen signing at The Edinburgh Book Festival
The spooky Ghost Tours and Edinburgh Underground Vaults
Haste ye back
Janice xx 

Friday, 9 August 2013

Friday... again?

I’ve had my head down all week catching up on all sorts of things – so much so that I could not believe today was Friday – again.

I’ve been busy writing 1000 words a day of ‘Voodoo Child’ and I must admit that so far I’m having a ball with this stage of Nola’s life. This is a follow on novella to ‘How Do You Voodoo?’ and ‘Voodoo Wedding’ and in it Nola and Louis are expecting their first child. Of course, this time next week, I could be wailing and moaning that it’s all a load of junk but so far I’m having a lot of fun and the writing is going well. My editor is expecting to edit this book at the beginning of October and I’m planning a publication date of around 31st October. Wish me luck!

I’ve also been working hard on behalf of Loveahappyending Lifestyle Magazine, for which I edit the Bookshelf Reviews feature.  After attracting over two and a half million hits on our website we now want to give our visitors even more reason to return to us day after day. We are planning to grow the website again in the Autumn and hope to publish the very best articles in a high quality downloadable emagazine. Our features will include everything from interior design to recipes, but the ‘heart’ of our project will still be book reviews for our own featured authors in our Bookshelf Reviews feature.

I’m currently looking for one or two more book blogger reviewers to join us at Loveahappyending Lifestyle magazine and so if you love reading and have a book blog and are interested in applying please get in touch with me directly at

I’ve been out and about promoting my latest title this week too – a with a mini book tour for ‘How To Party Online’ and you can read my guest spot at: Talli Roland’s Blog, Brook Cottage Books, Dizzy C’s Little Book Blog for online party advice and top tips!


Haste ye back here next Friday
In the meantime, be my friend on Facebook for regular writerly news and/or be a tweetheart and follow my daily authorly updates on Twitter at @JaniceHorton

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Winners of the Party On event!


I just want to say how fabulous yesterday was! I laughed and gasped and ooo'd and swooned at all of your fabulous and clever photos and pictures throughout the day and it was so much fun. What lovely party peeps you all are!
Well - all the entries have now been collated from all those who took part yesterday and have independently drawn by my two strappingly handsome sons who are home at the moment. I do wish there were prizes for every single one of you who made my day yesterday by taking part in the Party On event.
The Winners! 

Without further ado the winners are Linn B Halton for her Animal Party Game entry of 'Mr Tiggs'. Heidi Cosmochicklitan for her Cocktail Party Game entry of 'Cocktail on the Beach' and Angela Simons Barton for her Hollywood Red Carpet Game entry of Johnny Depp. Each win an exclusive How To Party Online Notebook! If you ladies would like to email me at: with your postal addresses I'll send them straight out to you.

The main prize of a £10 Amazon Voucher for posting a 'Party Photo' of your own goes to Awen Thornber who posted this fabulous photo and is a such a worthy winner that I was delighted when her name was drawn! Please email me Awen and I'll have the gift voucher emailed to you straight away. Thanks again everyone!

I'd LOVE it and appreciate it if you could spread the word to your friends and associates about the How To Party Online ebook for Kindle and if you sign up to my newsletter on my Blog (pretty please!?) them I'll be able to let you know when it's out in paperback too. Thanks again everyone!

At the moment I’m featuring on Dizzy C’s Little Book blog with a summer fun interview that features reading, writing and holidays. There are photos of my Scottish country cottage and my hens and there is an international giveaway for one of my Kindle books! Click here for the link.
I read an Interesting post on 'Between The Lines' blog this morning on book marketing - and was pleased to see a lovely mention of my How To Party Online book. You might also find it an interesting read. Click here for the link.
I was also delighted to see a new book blogger review for my first novella ‘How Do You Voodoo?’ on Books4U this week. Nikki says: "A superb novella from author Janice Horton. An interesting storyline about a character who thinks she has it all but learns there is something missing." You can read the rest of this review by clicking here.
Haste ye back here next Friday!