Sunday, 28 April 2013

Talking Chickens – chick-lit…?

I’ve got my first of three ‘Scottish Country Lifestyle’ features going out with Loveahappyending Lifestyle magazine today – an innovative new online mag that covers some fabulous aspects of life and living.
In this feature I’m talking about keeping chickens and there are some photos of my ‘girls’ including this ‘free range’ photo of Kylie on the hill behind our cottage. This is the link if you’d like to pop over and take a peek!

Haste Ye Over There…!

Friday, 26 April 2013

Bagpipes & Bullshot: The Movie - who would you cast?

This week my tartan clad novel, Bagpipes & Bullshot, was in the Amazon Top 100 Chart for Humour right next to The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, which has been made into a film starring top actors such as Judy Dench, Maggie Smith, Tom Wilkinson, Bill Nighy, Lisa Tarbuck, and Celia Imrie and others.

Okay, peeps – here’s a thought. You’ve got the same budget of $10,000,000. So who are you going to cast as the characters in Bagpipes & Bullshot: - Innes, Orley, Lady Buchanan, Fergus, Tanya, and the irrepressible Davina…?
I’ve put my own very tasty suggestion on who could play the gorgeous hero of the story, Innes, on my Facebook Author Page.
But before you pop over there to have a quick peep - can I ask you to consider voting for Bagpipes & Bullshot in The People’s Book Awards where it has been nominated this month? You can read an excerpt and find out more about my bestselling humorous tartan clad romance novel here.
Please click on the link below the banner and it’s then just an easy clicking of stars. I’d really appreciate your vote. Thank you!
Haste Ye Back...!

Friday, 19 April 2013



I hardly noticed the awful wind and rain that dashed this part of the world this week, as I was happily holed up in my office, head down writing. Soon I’ll be able to send my non-fiction book ‘How To Party Online’ to my lovely Editor and very soon after that it will be available on Amazon for Kindle. It’s been a fun book to produce and quite a departure from the fiction I usually write. I can’t wait to find out what those of you who have encouraged me to write this book think of it!


So, the week has flown by, and today not only did I discover it was Friday but that the sun was shining down on Scotland. Hurray!


I was especially pleased to be awarded The Sunshine Award from my lovely friend Linn B Halton. Linn is a fabulous author and the founder of Loveahappyending Lifestyle. The award is a lovely sunny flower that bloggers give to other bloggers “who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere”. Thank you Linn, I’m thrilled!

Now I have to answer a few questions:

Favourite Colour: Green. It always looks fresh - although I rarely wear green clothes!

Favourite Animal: I have two doggies – Polly and Ruby, my West Highland Terriers.
Favourite Number: 7 (It’s my birth date)

Favourite Non-alcoholic Drink: Appletize or Becks Blue non-alcoholic beer.
Favourite Alcoholic Drink: Red Wine – something robust like a Shiraz.

Facebook or Twitter: They are both too different to choose between – so both!
Your Passion(s): My family. Travelling. Reading. Writing.

Giving or getting presents: Oh dear, I’m rubbish at this choosing game. Both!
Favourite Day: Every day!

Favourite Flowers: Daffodils.
And now I nominate these 7 lovely author bloggers whom I love to visit:

Ruby, Polly, and Daffodils - three of my favourite things...


My novel 'Bagpipes & Bullshot' has been nominated in The People’s Book Awards and I’d really appreciate your vote.

Please click the banner to go to the site and simply click on the stars to register your vote.


Thank you very much!

Haste ye Back…!


Friday, 12 April 2013

Best Forever Friends…

Last weekend I had my oldest friend stay over at the cottage. Not that she is old – it’s just that we have known each other for all of our lives. We were born next door to each other and our mothers were good friends too.

Best Forever Friends

Thinking about my real best friends led me to think about fictional characters and how we befriend them. Some characters will only be our friends for the time it takes us to read a particular novel but others stay with us, in our minds and in our affections, perhaps forever. There are classic examples: Elizabeth Bennet and Mr Darcy. Heathcliff and Cathy Earnshaw. Emma Bovary. Jane Eyre. Rebecca de Winter…
Unforgettable contemporary fictional characters include Rupert Campbell Black (who could ever forget him?!) and perhaps more recently, Christian Grey…?
So which fictional characters would you count as your BFF’s…?
Please do share...
Janice xx

Friday, 5 April 2013

Spring Break…

I hope you all had a lovely Easter holiday. I had a busy weekend with family visiting. The snow is still on the ground here in Scotland, in patches and on the hills, but the sun is shining and lambs are out of the field and so it feels like Spring has sprung at last. I hope the sunshine stays for this weekend as we have two birthdays happening. I’m also really excited that a very dear friend is coming to stay for at the cottage for a few days. So I’ll be taking a Spring break until next Friday and I'll leave you with a picture of the Easter eggs I received from my ‘girls’!

Haste ye Back!
Janice xx