Friday, 22 February 2013

Voodoo Wedding – Launch Party next Friday 1st March!

Voodoo Wedding

Loved up Scottish fashion model Nola and her handsome Haitian fiancĂ© Louis have finally set the date for their wedding. All they need now is a venue and a guest list to include something old, something new, something borrowed… and something voodoo!


Voodoo Wedding is the second ebook in my Voodoo Romance Series and is a novella of approximately 20,000 words. The first book is the Amazon Kindle bestselling ‘How Do You Voodoo?

I’m celebrating the launch of Voodoo Wedding next Friday 1st March

You may remember that when I launched How Do You Voodoo? we did it with the magically inspired Spellbindingly Fun Blog Party?

This time around I’m hosting a Voodoo Wedding Facebook and Twitter Party!

I’m asking you to pop over to the Party Events Page on Facebook now to ‘join’ the party and then to attend at any time of the day and/or evening on Friday 1st March.
There WILL be THREE Prize Draws plus a wedding ‘favour’ for all party peeps on Voodoo Wedding Party Day!

Win one of THREE gorgeous Purple Tartan Pens!
Three purple tartan pen prizes will be drawn from everyone who:
1. TWEETS and retweets using the #voodoowedding
2. JOINS the party on the Facebook Party Page on Friday March 1st
3. POSTS A PHOTO of their wedding dress on the Facebook Party Page or on Twitter OR a picture of what you might consider to be your ideal wedding dress – in this case you can be as quirky or as bridal couture and you wish - and shoes and handbags are welcome too!
If you pop over to the FB Party Page just now you’ll see some photos already posted including one of me!
Do ALL THREE to get in all THREE Draws!
More details can be found on the Voodoo Wedding Facebook Party Page, my Author Facebook Page, on my Blog, or on Twitter @JaniceHorton or #voodoowedding
Join the fun next Friday 1st March!
Something old, something new, something borrowed - something voodoo!

Friday, 15 February 2013

Voodoo Wedding – Cover Reveal

This week I’m excited to show you the cover of my soon to be released new novella: - Voodoo Wedding!

Voodoo Wedding is launching to Amazon for Kindle on 1st March 2013
Loved up Scottish fashion model Nola and her handsome Haitian fiancĂ© Louis have finally set the date for their wedding. All they need now is a venue and a guest list to include something old, something new, something borrowed… and something voodoo!
Voodoo Wedding is the second part in a Voodoo Romance Trilogy.
The first book is the Amazon bestselling How Do You Voodoo?
Here are the two covers together!
The final part of the trilogy ‘Voodoo Child’ will be available later this year!

Over at Brook Cottage Books Blog - JB is 'unveiling' the cover of Voodoo Wedding too - ahead of launch day on 1st March - and on Sunday 17th February she is posting her review of How Do You Voodoo!

While we are on the subject of covers, the cover of my full length novel ‘Bagpipes & Bullshot’ has just been nominated in the Indie Cover Hall of Fame competition.
I’d love you to pop over there and vote for your favourite Indie cover – there’s no messy voting protocol – you just pick a cover design that you like the best and hit the vote button.
This is the cover of Bagpipes & Bullshot and of course I’d be thrilled if you voted for it!
Haste ye ta’ Vote…!
Next week - we'll be planning the launch party for Voodoo Wedding.
So Haste ye Back...!

Friday, 8 February 2013

Is it Spring yet...?

I happened to notice that it was past 5pm before it got properly dark last night here in Scotland and when I came out of the cottage this morning, the snow had stopped falling outside, the sun had come out, there were snowdrops in the garden. Yay!

So to celebrate the possibility of Spring arriving and as a reward to myself for finally sending ‘Voodoo Wedding’ (the sequel to How Do You Voodoo?) off to my lovely editor today, and in anticipation of it launching to Amazon for Kindle on 1st March, I’m taking a trip to the fabulous city of Edinburgh to get my hair done!
 What do you think? Should I go the whole way and have purple highlights..?
Available to download to your Kindle
on 1st March 2013

The sequel to 'How Do You Voodoo?'
and Part Two of the Voodoo Romance Trilogy!

Voodoo Wedding
Did you know 'How Do You Voodoo?' is listed in Love Reading Love Books 'Five Star Reviews of 2012' ?
How Do You Voodoo?
“The scene in the Necropolis Cemetery was full of the kind of suspense you would expect in a Stephen King book.” Indie Ebook Review

“I really enjoyed the light-hearted tone of the novella and the humour that Janice Horton brings to it.”
Love Reading Love Books

“A really enjoyable and highly entertaining read.”
Kim the Bookworm

“A little bit of humour and a plot that makes you want to keep reading on.”
Lou Graham – Book Blogger

Next week I’m hoping to do the cover reveal for Voodoo Wedding!
So Haste ye Back! 

Friday, 1 February 2013

The End... or is it?

This is the end, Hold your breath, And count to ten
(Lyrics to Skyfall by Adele)

Today I wrote The End of my romantic suspense novella ‘Voodoo Wedding’ which is the sequel to ‘How Do You Voodoo?’ - Yay!

But of course, it’s not The End really because despite editing as I write, I do know the manuscript needs a bit of a polish and I still need to smooth over a few tiny plot holes. Then I’ll transfer the manuscript to my Kindle for reading it as a reader rather than a writer and I’ll go back and polish it some more. Next week, I’ll send it off to my trusted Editor for a story critique and I’ll take on board her thoughts, and if I agree (she’s very wise and clever so I usually do – and she has an uncanny knack of telling what I suspected all along) I’ll work on it some more. Then it will be edited again for grammar, spelling mistakes, silly typos, layout inconsistencies, etc - and then, finally, it will be The End!

I thought you might enjoy these quotes on writing The End:

Frank Herbert

 “There is no real ending. It’s just the place where you stop the story.”

J.R.R. Tolkien

“Bilbo – have you thought of an ending?
Frodo – Yes, several, and all are dark and unpleasant."

Rose Tremain

“In the planning stage of a book, I don’t plan the ending. It has to be earned by all that will go before it.”
John Geddes
“My novels are like life – I never know where they are going until the end.”
And my personal favourite:

 It’s by Winston Churchill
“Now is not the end. It’s not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”

So writers – tell me - how do YOU come to The End…?

and how far off The End are you when you get there…?

 Readers – do YOU look for a happy ending every time…?

Have ya’ say and haste ya comments!