Friday 6 April 2012

Thank You..!

I want to say a big thank you to all eight thousand of you who downloaded ‘Reaching for the Stars’ last weekend in my blogiversary free promotion. It was a tremendous success in that as well as reaching lots of lovely new readers, ‘Reaching for the Stars’ went zooming up the paid charts this week on Amazon to the Number Two spot in the Top 100 Women’s Fiction chart.
Thank you also to all those who have been buying 'Reaching for the Stars' this week. You tried very hard to nudge Sophie Kinsella and her new novel off that Number One spot - but I’m afraid the lovely Sophie just wasn’t for budging!

You’ll remember that last week, I was offering heart shaped chocolates and sweeties in a draw for all those who commented, shared & tweeted about the promotion. Well, I wish I had hundreds of these yummy treats to give away this Easter, because I really appreciated each and every one of you who support me. So, as well as sending virtual hugs to you all, I’ll be posting out the box of chocolate hearts to Old Kitty and the heart shaped sweeties to Jan Brigden (Briggy44). Please email your postal addresses to and I'll send you your treats. Enjoy!

All this excitement has attracted the attention of the Dumfries & Galloway media – and yesterday I was interviewed for our local paper about my year of social networking, my blogiversary, and my ebooks. Thank you to Arts and Entertainments Editor Sara Bain of ‘The Standard’ for her support. Sara has said it would be helpful to her if readers of this article were to 'rate the story'. Thanks.

Thank you all again and a Happy Easter!
If you don’t yet have copies of my ebooks ‘Bagpipes & Bullshot’ and ‘Reaching for the Stars’ and you are looking for a bit of romance over this bank holiday weekend – look no further - and download your copies now. They both cost less than £1 – that’s less than the price of an Easter egg and there are absolutely NO calories involved!