Thursday, 8 December 2011

Less than a week to go!

Next Wednesday, the 14th December, is a big day for celebration here at Horton HQ. It’s the day a project very close to my heart, my new ebook ‘Reaching for the Stars’ gets its official send off into the digital stratosphere. How far it shoots - to the stars, to the moon, or just as far as a quick pop and fizz is as yet unknown - but I do know that I am very excited and extremely proud that Reaching for the Stars is finally out there. So on Wednesday there will be a 'Wish I Was Here...' photo of the place I'd like to escape to, there will be both real and virtual champagne, there will be lots of blogging and tweeting and social commenting - and mostly (did I mention the champagne...?) - there will be plenty of fun fun fun!

If you do decide to buy Reaching for the Stars (from Amazon now at the very special launch price of just 95p or $1.48) not only will I love you for it but I will hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Currently, Reaching for the Stars is with its advance readers and selected book bloggers. I’m keeping everything crossed that they will like it and will give it some ‘stars’ of their own. Well, we can only wait and see about that....

What’s it all about...?

Reaching for the Stars is about a Scottish celebrity chef called Finn McDuff who is media stalked and disillusioned after winning his third star and losing his third wife. He decides he’s had enough of all the food campaigns, the TV cookery shows, the constant frenzy surrounding his private life and, after giving up all his accolades and closing down his restaurant, he disappears. With the enfant terrible of the kitchen missing, two rival newspapers, having lost their media meal ticket, compete against each other to whip up further public curiosity in the missing chef. Love him or hate him, everyone is out looking for Chef McDuff. Who will find him first and whose side will you be on...?

This is the list so far of participating ‘Wish I Was Here..’ bloggers and tweeters on Wednesday 14th December (links are now live - just click on participant)

There will be fun prize draw on the day:
Prizes are - a Celebrity Chef Apron and several Chef’s Hats!

Please note: Prizes will be awarded at random in a fair draw system to include all participants who blog a ‘Wish I Was Here...’ picture, tweet a picture using #starchef, re-tweet any participating tweet using #starchef, or comment in the comment box on this blog on Wednesday 14th December). Simples fun!

It’s not too late to sign up - just use the form at the bottom of this post and join the fun.


Not sure what to do?

1) Sign up now using the form above. Want a shot at both blogging and tweeting? Why not - double the fun - just fill in both your Twitter name and your Blog Link.

2) On Wednesday 14th December just put up a photo or picture of where you wish you could escape to - for a little while or forever - on YOUR blog or UPLOAD to Twitter! It might be a paradise island, a secluded beach, a woodland hut, a mountain ski lodge? The possibilities are endless - but fun to imagine right in the middle of December

3) On Twitter please use the hashtag #starchef and also put @JaniceHorton somewhere in the tweet. That way I can find you and include you in the prize draw.

On Launch Day I'll be visiting EVERYONE's LINKS to see where you would like to escape to and to leave a comment! So join the fun and sign up now!

I know it’s a busy time of year for everyone but I would so appreciate your support - and I do promise lots of fun and prizes!