Friday, 20 September 2013

Voodoo Magic!

Today I’m revealing the new look covers for my voodoo romance series of Kindle novellas!


The voodoo isn’t over for Nola! Voodoo Child is out next month and is the third part in Nola and Louis’s story. The first two parts ‘How Do You Voodoo?’ and ‘Voodoo Wedding’ have both received some fabulous reviews.

Reviews include those from Love Reading Love Books who said How Do You Voodoo? was ‘A Five Star Read’ and Book Reviewer Jenny in Neverland has this week listed her favourite books on Feed My Read and How Do You Voodoo? is one of them!

PRIZE DRAW: I’m offering a reader a pre-release peek – a V.I.P. Advance Review Copy – in a prize draw for all those peeps who ‘Like’ my Facebook author page between now and Voodoo Child ARC release day.  I love to blog on a weekly basis but my FB author page is where I share all my latest news and views and writerly gossip several times a week - so if you would like to be one of the first to read Voodoo Child and also find out what I’m working on next...
Thanks and haste ye back here next Friday!