Saturday, 5 March 2011

Seven things....

I am delighted to receive ‘The Stylish Blogger Award’ from the lovely and very stylish Rosemary Gemmell of Reading and Writing Blog.

The rules of acceptance are to list seven things about myself and to pass the award on: – so here goes!

1. I was ten years old when I first decided to be a writer, inspired by Ruby Ferguson, who wrote children’s pony books. Some years later I discovered Jilly Cooper, who wrote grown up pony books, and I was inspired all over again!

2. My first full length book took four years to write. It was published in 2004.

3. I’m a member of the wonderful Romantic Novelist’s Association.

4.  I met my own real life hero thirty years ago by accidentally picking him up on a CB Radio. We chatted for a whole year before we actually met and he proposed to me on our third date!

5. Mr JH and I were once 1980’s yuppys (young urban professional people) and dinkys (duel income no kids yet) and we lived in an executive home in Cheshire until we sold up everything, packed in our very stressful full-time careers, and bought a derelict country cottage in Scotland in which to live ‘the good life’.

6. I wrote about our lifestyle swop and it was published in a December issue of Prima magazine. I blogged about our cottage lifestyle for a year (here) and was shortlisted and highly recommended by Candis Magazine in their blog competition.

7. Seven wee things I love.... books, red wine, stilton cheese, sunshine, my doggies, my hens, the music of Santana.

And I’d like to pass The Stylish Blog Award on to: drumroll