It's available now at the fabulous price of £1.38 or $2.24 but I'm going to ask you NOT to buy it. Why you ask? Well that's because I'm planning a mini-onslaught on the Kindle mountain of Amazon on Friday 1st April 2011 and I want you all to buy it then and recommend it to all your friends!
The date is important because it’s the day I’ve asked everyone who might consider buying the book to buy it. It’s very difficult to get new e-books noticed by potential readers unless it features on one or more of Amazon’s Top 100 charts, but because of the way Amazon calculates its sales, just a few sales on one particular day – Friday 1st April – can make all the difference in pushing it through the charts! See my Bagpipes & Bullshot Kindle Launch Page on the sidebar for more info - and THANK YOU in advance because I'm very grateful for any help you might like to offer, whether it's buying the book, talking about it on your Facebook page, or Tweeting about it to your loyal Followers, or interviewing me on your Blog. Please also feel free to let me know any of your ingenious thoughts on what else I can do in the respect of shameless book promotion with a comment below or an email to me directly ( and I'll love you forever. And, c'mon please follow me on this blog, if only to encourage more enthusiastic ramblings, erm I mean postings, in the near future!