Friday, 19 October 2012

It’s only one more week...!


It’s only one more week to The Spellbindingly Fun Blog Party – hurray!

Lots of you are now signing up for the party but it’s not too late to do so right up to the day itself as I’ll be adding to the list of spellbindingly fun party peeps all this week. See the guest list at the end of this post to see who has signed up so far!

Next Friday, 26th October, I’ll have added the hyperlinks to all the names below so that with one magic click we can all pop over to the blogs taking part to see what Spellbinding Spells have been cooked up! Every participant will be in the draw for a fabulous prize and there will be Twitter prizes for RT's & MT's too. Hashtag #voodoo

This is how it works:

You make up whatever spell you want to – but fun ones only – no curses allowed.

Choose your ingredients – as many or as few as you like - from the Magic Ingredient List below.

If you want to add a spellbinding verse or show a picture of your object of desire that’s great too!

Post or schedule your spellbindingly fun spell to YOUR blog next Friday 26th October.

But please let me know you are taking part by signing up on the form so that I can add YOUR name and YOUR blog link here at Spellbindingly Fun Blog Party HQ.

Sign Up Here

There will be fun and there will be prizes!!
You can also follow the party on Twitter using hashtag: #voodoo
Spellbindingly Fun Party Peeps
Carol E Wyer
Nicky Wells
Melanie Robertson-King
Kit Domino
Patti DelValle
Sue Fortin
Linn B Halton
Sheryl Browne
Rosemary Gemmell
Andrea Buginsky
Jean Bull
Jenny Harper
Carol Wright
Jennifer Joyce
Louise Graham
suzy turner
Lindsay Healy
Ali Bacon
Caroline James
More Than a Review
Aviva Orr
Abbey Liddle
Robin Murphy
Kim Nash
Lada Ray
Alison Morton
Stephanie Keyes
Pauline Barclay
Lucinda Fountain
Gina Dickerson
Natalie Wright
Lizzie Lamb
Lynda Dunwell
David Louden
Jan Brigden
Rhoda Baxter
Mary Smith
Emily Harvale
Sue Watson
Anne Stenhouse Graham
Sharon Booth
Gwen Kirkwood
Linda Dickson
Janet Beasley
Susan Breece

Laura Dobbins

Cecilia Robert

Kate Jackson


Myra Duffy

Gill Stewart
Joanna Lambert

Francine Howarth

Sarah Taylor
Joan Flemming

Deborah Palumbo

Rebecca Emin


Party On!