Thursday, 19 July 2012

Men In Kilts…

It’s been a busy week. I’ve been writing away in my wee cottage on a Scottish hillside thinking about the characters in my next book. In particular, I’ve been thinking about our hero and how he might look in a Kilt?

Now, in my previous novel Bagpipes & Bullshot’ we have the gorgeous Innes Buchanan and his equally handsome brother Fergus – looking tartantastic in their Clan Buchanan Kilts.

In ‘Reaching for the Stars’, well, I’m sure Finn would look absolutely yummy out of his chef’s whites and sporting the ‘McDuff Hunting’ tartan!
So, to help me out with my research, I’d like you to feast your eyes on this selection of Men in Kilts and let me know who gets the vote from you. For copyright reasons I'm having to post links to images and not actual photos here but please leave a comment - or  your suggestions - in the comment box, as to who you favour in the tartan. Alternatively tweet your response using the hashtag #meninkilts


It’s all a bit of frivolous fun of course – until you watch my favourite kilted uTube video – when research into Men in Kilts becomes an altogether much more serious matter….

All blog-friendly comments on what you think of Men in Kilts are welcome!