Wednesday 20 July 2011

A Shout Out!

This week I’ve SO much to shout about!

After an intense week working on my next novel, Reaching For The Stars, I stopped writing to take a break and check my Amazon listing (as you do!) to see that Bagpipes & Bullshot had picked up a NINTH five star review!

I was so excited that I did a little shimmy around my study - so thank you very much to Audrey Hawkins of Bath for taking the time to post a review. I’m delighted you enjoyed reading Bagpipes & Bullshot as much as I enjoyed writing it. Yay!

Then, another lovely lady called Rea Sinfield, posted a photo on Twitter of her taking a tea break while reading Bagpipes & Bullshot on her gorgeous pink skinned Kindle!
Rea Sinfeild's Kindle
Somehow Rea managed to finish Bagpipes & Bullshot’s eighty thousand words in just ONE DAY and write a review. Thank you Rea. Double Yay!!

You can read Rea’s five star review here at Reabookreview Blog.

Don’t forget - if you don’t yet have a copy of  Bagpipes & Bullshot  you can download it at the very special price of just 90p or $1.45 from Amazon uk and dot com, Smashwords, or from any other e-reader catalogue.

If you don’t have an e-reader and would like to read Bagpipes & Bullshot you can download the free Kindle app from Amazon for your PC, Mac, IPad, IPhone or other mobile device.

Before you go - don’t forget to enter last week’s Book Giveaway (you can enter until midnight on 31st July 2011) to win a signed paperback copy of Christine Richards book ‘Whitewalls’.

Also: a very special and exciting event is going down at today (Thursday 21st July).

It’s Richard Holmes’ Angelic Wisdom Trilogy Book Launch. Please do take a moment to visit to enter into the spirit of the event, to take part in any giveaways, and generally show support by leaving a comment to encourage our new and exciting authors as they launch their work upon the world. Writers need readers and readers need writers!

Book Launch Event

The Interactive Reader / Writer Website and Blog