Thursday 7 July 2011

High Days & Holidays...

Hi everyone, I’m finally catching up with you all after what has been a very busy week.

In my day job, as a legal secretary, I’ve been providing holiday cover and working extra hours. In my virtual job, as an associated author and editor at, I’ve done my first Review Chair interview which you can read by clicking the links on my The Review Chair tab opposite.

Last week I was giving away SIX copies of Bagpipes & Bullshot to celebrate the launch of the website, which took so many hits in its first few hours that founder and Editor-in-Chief, Linn Halton, actually thought the site might crash!

These are the six winners of an e-copy of Bagpipes & Bullshot whose names have now been forwarded to who will send out your Smashwords coupons. Thank you to everyone who entered!

The winners are : Margaret James. Susan Jones. Jessica Thompson. Jeryl Marcus. Dorothy Bush. Dina King.

Also this week, I was delighted and excited to receive THREE separate five star reviews for Bagpipes & Bullshot on Amazon.Com, Amazon.Uk and Goodreads. Thank you to my readers!

Over the next seven days I’m on a writers retreat - but actually staying at home in the cottage - as the kids are away and I have put aside some time to work on my next book.

Next Friday here on the blog, I’ll be chatting to Edinburgh author Christine Richard about her life, her writing, and her new e-book.

Happy reading and writing everyone!

Love, Janice x