Friday, 18 January 2013

This Week’s Progress..!

This week I’ve been busily working away on ‘Voodoo Wedding’ the magically romantic sequel to my novella ‘How Do You Voodoo?’ and I’m trying hard to follow last week’s sound advice against procrastination from productivity ninja, Grace Marshall. This week, Grace has featured the topic (and my plea) on her own expert blog and she says it has resonated with many writers!


I was tagged this week by several lovely Facebook friends to take part in the 777 Challenge, which means you take page 7, line 7, from your Work In Progress and quote from it before challenging 7 other writers to do the same. You can check who I nominated on my Author Facebook Page HERE and here is an extract from page 7 of ‘Voodoo Wedding’ which I hope to launch on Amazon for Kindle on 1st March:

‘I know we wanted a small wedding at first,’ she explained, ‘but then my mother reminded me how I have lots of aunties and uncles and cousins in Glasgow. I want them to be there and I can’t invite some and not others, can I? That would be rude.’ She flicked a finger across her iPad again. ‘Now, how many relatives do you have?’
‘I don’t.’

My tag line for ‘Voodoo Wedding’ is: Something old, something new, something borrowed, something voodoo…!

If you haven’t yet read ‘How Do You Voodoo’ which is part one of my Voodoo Romance Trilogy – it’s available on Amazon for Kindle right now and included on Love Reading Love Books blog- Five Star Reads of 2012!

Thanks to my lovely friend and fellow author Gill Stewart, who blogs at Novel Points of View and lives not too far away from me in Dumfries and Galloway, for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award!


It seems I need to provide seven random facts about myself before passing it on. An excellent excuse for a little bit of self-indulgence!
So here we go – and random it is!
1. I have two white West Highland terriers called Polly and Ruby.
2. I keep four rescue hens - all named after female pop stars.
3. I lived in Scotland half my life but I was born in Widnes England.
4. I’m the eldest of five children. I have two brothers and two sisters.
5. I do not have a middle name but I’d really like one.
6. My favourite food is Scottish smoked salmon.
7. Mr JH and I will be celebrating our 30th Wedding Anniversary this year.
Until next week then – when it’s Burns Night - and we’ll be celebrating by taking part in the official Haggis Hunt. Not to be missed!!
Haste Ye Back!