Friday 18 November 2011

We are Go For Launch!

Yesterday, with much excitement, I sent ‘Reaching for the Stars’ off to my lovely editor Kit Domino to be professionally edited, so we are on schedule to launch as planned on Wednesday 14th December!

On launch day I’m hosting a ‘Wish I Was Here...’ blog party and you are all invited to take part.

There is no writing or diary checking involved you will be pleased to hear - all you have to do on the day is post up a photo or a picture on YOUR blog of a place you’d like to escape to for a little while or forever! It might be a paradise island, a secluded beach, a woodland hut, a mountain ski lodge? The possibilities are endless - but fun to imagine right in the middle of December!

On launch day I will post a full list of all the blogs taking place and I’ll be visiting to see where YOU would like to escape to and to leave a comment! You can pop along to all the blogs too of course but there is no obligation to do so. I’ve had a fabulous response so far - so sign up now to join the party!

In preparation for the big day itself and the blog tour to follow (more details next week on the fabulous Reaching for the Stars blog tour!) this week I had some new author photos taken. I’m embarrassed to tell you that I’ve been using the same old photos for the past couple of years, photos taken at the same time as a Prima Magazine shoot, and I’m sure I look quite different now - not to mention a bit older!

Now, I don’t mind having my photo taken, but I do tend to blink at the click of a shutter and want to suck off my lipstick at the suggestion of a zoom lens, so you can imagine what my photos usually end up looking like?! I asked my lovely photographer friend Sara, who always makes me smile, to come along and take my new author photos. I think she did a really good job - as you can see I actually have my eyes open and my lipstick in place. Thank you and well done Sara!

Other news this week is that my lovely blogger and twitter friend Liz Crump awarded me the Liebster Blog Award and kindly said she thought my blog was creative, fun and friendly. I was so delighted as that is EXACTLY what I want my blog to be!

So, in accepting the Liebster Blog Award, the recipient agrees to:

- Thank the person who gave them the award and link back to that person's blog
- Copy and paste the award to their blog
- Reveal the 5 blogs they have chosen to award, commenting on their blog to break the news!
- Hope those people in turn pay it forward by accepting and awarding "The Liebster Blog Award" to bloggers they would like to honour

This award is for anyone with fewer than 200 followers. :)

The 5 blogs I’ve chosen to award are……

So until next week my friends, when I will tell you more about my fabulous Reaching for the Stars blog tour plans, please consider signing up to take part in my ‘Wish I Was Here’ blog party on 14th December - I know it’s a busy time of year but I would so appreciate your support - and promise fun and prizes!

Janice xx