Thursday 13 October 2011


This week, I’ve got some fabulous shiny new links for you!

First up: Thanks to lovely columist friend Gilly Fraser, I’m mentioned in the November edition of DG Life (Dumfries & Galloway, Scotland) magazine - most regions of the UK have these wonderful newsy glossy coffee table style magazines and it’s really exciting to be featured as a ‘local’ author - so do have a wee read by clicking here: DG Life Magazine

Next up: I was a guest on fellow loveahappyending author Mandy Baggot’s blog this week - on what she calls Author Meet and Greet - which was great fun because Mandy asks the most amazingly different questions. If you want you find out what I answered click here: Mandy’s Meet & Greet

Lastly: thanks to talented writer Pauline Barclay, I discovered there IS a way for a Kindle author to sign their e-books! Kindlegraph is a website that features thousands of books and thousands of authors. All you have to do to request a Kindlegraph from the site, is to sign in with your Twitter account, and provide either an email address or your Kindle e-address (there are 1-2-3 step instructions on how to do this). You will receive not only a signature and book cover, but a personal message from the author of your choice, and you don’t even have to have bought a book yet (although you know you’ll want to soon, right?) How e-fabulous is that...?

So, if perchance you would like ahem.... my special personal message to you... ahem. Click here: Janice Horton’s Kindlegraph

Coming up: The e-edits......... I’ll keep you posted!

Janice xx