Monday, 22 August 2011

The Big Reveal

I simply couldn’t wait to show off my new covers for Bagpipes & Bullshot and my forthcoming novel, Reaching for the Stars, so here they are!

I’m delighted with them - and think of them as innovative - and even a little bit risqué. They are bright and eye-catching and GOLD and RED and don’t think there is anything quite like them on Amazon Kindle at the moment - so that also makes them brave and unique!

The designer of these fabulous covers is an amazingly talented and professional guy called JT Lindroos, who I can’t recommend highly enough to anyone wanting a book cover to be designed and produced for them. I think he did a fantastic job!

Well, I’m uploading the new designs to Amazon Kindle and Smashwords as you read this and will report back on responses as soon as, erm, I’ve got anything to report!

In the meantime I’d really like your thoughts and impressions - so please do leave a comment.

On Friday, I’m a guest on Talli Roland’s blog - that’s Friday 26th August - so please do come along as I’ll be mixing bullshot and revealing the secret Scottish recipe! Gosh - all this revealing is far too exciting - I think I might need to lie down.....

The first week in September, I’ll be re-designing this blog to suit the new Red & Gold branding - so please do keep popping back to see where I’m up to with that!