Friday, 17 August 2012

This week I’ve been a bit hyper….

Because there is SO much going on! First and foremost of course is the writing. I’m working on a full length novel for publication in 2013 but I’m also working on a novella which I will publish in October as an ebook to Kindle. The writing is going really well and I’m having a lot of fun with it – so much so that it’s keeping me awake at night - plot ideas keep popping into my head. The novella is a Halloween Special and I can’t wait to tell you more about it in the coming weeks!

I have my fabulous cover designer JT Lindroos working away on the cover art at the moment and that alone is getting me hyped up with excitement, especially as we are tweaking the covers of Bagpipes & Bullshot and Reaching for the Stars at the same time.

In sync with the new covers, I’ll be revamping this blog too – in the next couple of weeks – and I’ll be adding some exciting, fabulous, stylish, and very Scottish features. So, you’ll know where to come for your weekly fix of Scotland, the land and it’s people, (or should I say it's characters?)

Can I ask, if you are interested in knowing more about my current and future writerly projects, for you to subscribe to my Quarterly Newsletter? (see top sidebar)  I promise not to bombard you with ‘stuff’ but to politely send you only exciting news, the odd special offer, and subscriber exclusive newsletter competitions - with prizes.

If the Newsletter is not for you but you’d still like to know what mischief I’m getting into then please do consider ‘liking’ my Author Facebook Page. It's all there!

Following on from my recent blog post on Author Tags - this is the one I decided to go with:

Scottish Fiction with Humour and Heart

This week has been a big week in Edinburgh and I was invited to take part in the Edinburgh Ebook Festival. If you missed it – this is the link to my Auld Lums & New Reeks’ feature in which my books, Bagpipes & Bullshot and Reaching for the Stars, were showcased and peer reviewed as part of the virtual festival. The Twitter hashtag for the still ongoing event is #edebookfest

The wonderful reader/writer magazine style website - of which I am a featured author - picked up the story of my involvement with the Edinburgh Ebook Festival and you can read the feature by clicking the red link.

Also this week: I was featured on Celebrating Authors, where I talked about my favourite authors and ‘five random things’ - one of which became the headline!

Other news: TWO new 5* reviews for Bagpipes & Bullshot which with 22 reviews continues to sell well, particularly in the US, which is totally thrilling.

Finally, I was delighted to find out today that I’m being gossiped about in the September issue of the glossy and award winning Dumfries & Galloway Life magazine - by shortlisted Columnist of The Year Gilly Fraser - in her riviting report on this year's Romantic Novelist's Conference in Cumbria. You can read Gilly’s column here.

So now you can appreciate why I’m a bit hyper….
See you next Friday - I’m off to lie down!