Friday, 13 May 2011

Seven things: Work, Writing & Research

Thank you to my dear writer friend Romy Gemmell for passing me the Versatile Blogger Award - the rules of acceptance are to tell you seven things about myself that you might not already know.

So I've decided to tell you seven wee snippets about some of the many and varied jobs I've done over the years because, as a writer, I've always found the working environment a rich research ground for characters, settings, and plot ideas.

1) One of my first jobs was in a bank. One day, I accidentally set off the under the counter silent alarm with my knee. Police with dogs arrived within minutes.

2) Twenty something years ago - when I was twenty something myself - I had a career with an international cigarette company. My job was linked to promoting snooker and a particular brand of cigarettes. Dennis Taylor once did a trick shot off my nose during a snooker tournament.

3) I used to smoke sixty cigarettes a day and quit smoking once I quit the job!

4) I once worked in a transport cafe - cooking breakfasts for truckers.

5) I have also worked in a fish shop. I still love the smell of fresh fish.

6) Ten years working in book keeping and accounts have come in very useful as now my husband is self employed and I am his accountant. Only problem is that I have dyscalculia.

7) I now work part time as a legal secretary - mostly as research for my next book.

What work experiences have you had that you've been able to use in your writing? I'd love to know - so please do leave a comment.

I'd like to pass on the award to these seven wonderfully versatile bloggers. Please accept your awards by copying the logo above and listing seven about yourselves before passing the award on.

Melanie Robertson King at Celtic Connextions
Kenneth Rosenberg's Blog
Kim The Book Worm
Jane Lovering - From Behind The Keyboard
Chris Longmuir's Blog
Sarah Callejo's Blog
Sue Houghton - The Long and The Short of it.

Next week I'm interviewing debut author Romy Gemmell about her recently published Regency novel Dangerous Deceit - not to be missed!